The new museum was pretty cool.In all honesty I didn’t care for most of it. But what I did care for was the illustrations about how us humans essentially screw over other creatures. The one with the murdered elephant with its family crying behind it. This really spoke to me as someone who personally isn’t fond of the human race because of what we do to each other and other species either directly or indirectly. I wouldn’t label myself as a “Misanthrope”. Because I don’t hate humanity as a whole I just heavily dislike the negative aspects of it such as narcissism and greed. With that being said there are good aspects of humanity such as empathy and generosity. But that illustration portrays the worst of humanity in a way. And that’s a common theme with the artist’s work. So that was alright. But personally I was much more fond of the galleries we went to. Specifically the gallery that had a bunch of works based around middle eastern ancient armor. Not only that but the people in these armors are women which is a really cool concept which I really love. My work takes place in a fantasy world which has fantasy armor and is based on our medieval history. And any one can be in that armor in my world. So to see that with this work is really cool. I don’t know what the deeper meaning behind the work means. But personally I really like it. The rest of the galleries were okay but they were honestly forgettable. But another gallery I really liked was one that had a video game aesthetic. Such as the one with a heart on the ground with brick walls. I believe this could be a zelda reference. But anything I can come up with is speculation. There are more works that I personally don’t know if they are a reference to something else or if they are a standalone work, but I really love the idea of portraying something futuristic and putting it in a old setting with old painting techniques. Or doing the opposite and taking something old and fantastical and putting it in a futuristic setting with modern painting methods. The last place we went to in the train station was very boring and I thought we could’ve easily skipped it. It was in a train station, and it was made by a Drew student which is really cool. But personally I felt like it wasn’t important enough to show, especially when there were other people just minding their own business. Furthermore I did actually enjoy going to that train station. Not because of the photography work. But because of the train station itself. It is so much nicer than Penn Station. It’s so clean and the architecture is absolutely stunning. So all and all pretty alright day.