This exhibit in my opinion was one of the worst thus far. To start with the pieces are just overlapping marks on a canvas with no real skill or fundamental knowledge on art. And I understand trying to do abstract art that’s not narrative based, but still. And I talked about narrative based media to the curator. And even though I didn’t call the paintings bad I still think she got a little defensive over them. Do not mistake me, I understand looking up to an artist. Without a doubt. I have so many artists I look up to as an animator. Tobiko, Louixi, etc. Would I work for them and even defend their work to a degree? Without a doubt! Would I dedicate my entire life and career to them and worship the grounds they walk on as literal Gods among men? No, I don’t think I would. But I do think the context behind the art is interesting. Non-narrative art. Or more accurately art that tells a story without attempting to build a narrative. And I think it’s really interesting because that is the polar opposite to what I do as an animator who likes storytelling such as dungeons and dragons. The difference is with one there is no objective story, with the other there is. But the objective story in a way becomes subjective, because while there is a story of what is happening there is a subjective matter of what the themes and the message behind the story are. Anyways, we saw many different galleries. Most of the art pieces were forgettable with a few exceptions. The first is a series of giant heads. The heads all varied in size and color. The reason why I found them to be quite the spectacle was for two reasons. One how unsettling they were. It’s a hard thing to describe, but when you make eye contact with the sculptures it feels like the sculpture is making eye contact back. And when that happens it’s like the sculptures are staring into your soul. No value judgements, no moral accusations, no praise or validation, just quiet acknowledgement of the person who you are. The second reason that I found them quite interesting is because I have a friend in the class who is also in my senior studio class. He makes very interesting collages and sculptures and his work aligns with the sculptures in humor and in the bizarre nature of the pieces. This was so much so that I told him he should take a picture for inspiration. The other piece that captured my eye was a series of makeshift gems. However in all honesty the only reason why I was particularly interested in those was because I’m a sonic the hedgehog fan and they reminded me of a concept in those games known as the chaos emeralds however this journal probably shouldn’t be about sonic. The way the gems are crafted is very interesting because it’s very clear they are not  actual gems and that they were not made out of a prestigious material yet they have an elegant glare to them nonetheless.