Bryson’s art and photography intrigued me in a way that not many artists have before. His photographs are intriguing because he uses them in a way to tell a story that not many people do. When people tell a story for example in animation and most comics we do it from a linear perspective. But with Bryson the way he does it you can read it in whatever way you want. That includes a way that is non-linear. He did have one series of photographs that is read linearly. But for the most part it is very interesting to be able to read the photographs in a lot of different ways because each way gives an entirely different context. Expanding on this more with abstract images they are already subjective. This is also in combination with the achromatic composition gives it a feeling of melancholy. The melancholy and subjective matter in combination with the non-linear reading of the pictures can be read an infinite number of ways. Yet in spite of the infinite ways to read it there is always a nostalgic element to the photographs. That’s the magic of photography is because regardless of how its portrayed in terms of colors and/or relation to one another there is always a feeling of the past when it comes to a photograph. This is because its capturing a moment of time. The infinitely nostalgic way to read these photographs in a non-linear way is why Bryson’s work is one of my favorites of this semester so far.

The Brooklyn museum on the other hand was also an extremely interesting experience. I took a lot of inspiration from the Egyptian exhibit. However the triangular table piece that was a tribute to female historical figures who never got to sit at a place of recognition despite being worthy contributions to history was very respectful and intriguing. More on this The triangular dinner table had unique and personalized placemats and plates which depicted the female genitalia. Some of the figures were people from mythology rather than real life history. But nonetheless the table did not fail to be a good representation for women throughout history. Unfortunately for the table piece my favorite exhibit in the museum was definitely the ancient egyptian section of the museum. I know that wasn’t the main focus but that was still extremely interesting. I love ancient art so much. And it was really cool to see the ancient sarcophagus and pots, and Egyptian art.